They are dominating our country more and more as the laws of NZ are very laissez-faire and liberal, buying into established businesses that NZers have built and also buying up our land and housing as well. Generally it is open slather with very few exceptions.
Free trade agreements are actual investment agreements to provide the means for trans national corporations to acquire more power, profit, control and riches and wealth under the guise of Free Trade ... NZ is being recolonised by Corporations.
In NZ the banks are creaming it. Not one is suffering at present ANZ, with record profits same for Westpac.
Subjects Covered:
Corporate Welfare here in NZ, namely Rio Tinto (the old Comalco) easily obtaining a $30 million dollar subsidy from the National Govt, by saying they will not close their smelter until 2017. Yet, they have a secret electric power deal that is far below the current rate for ordinary householders and ... the power that they take daily is equivalent to all the electrical power that is consumed by the city of Auckland. And they have been doing this for 50 years with every single government that has got into power. Note with no smelter, NZ would have huge amounts of excess power ...
Other situations where the NZ government gave our hard earned tax dollars as enticements to, were, Skycity, Chorus, Fox Studious, Warner Bros etc.
Note, Skycity's offer to build a National Convention Center as long as the Govt gives them umpteen poker machines to be unleashed on the public. And that this deal is LOCKED in for 35 years. That no Govt can ever reverse it no matter which Government gains power.
Chorus who is rolling out the ultra fast broad band cable across the country was told by the NZ Government Commerce Commission that they have been overcharging all customers by $10 per month and that they had to repay their customers so instead, they cried that it would send them broke, so the government came in and helped them out.
These are three examples of political interference and corporate welfare dictating how our elected Parliamentary servants represent, we the NZ citizens.
Then there is corporate tax avoidance, last year it was announced a day before Xmas eve, that the NZ IRD, Inland Revenue Dept reached an 'out of court settlement' of $2.2 billion dollars (around 80% of the total amount) with the 4 top Australian owned banks as they had previously dodged paying tax. This being the biggest tax avoidance case in NZ history. This was very hush hush, when in fact they all should have been taken to the highest court of the land. With an 'out of court settlement'
they avoided penalty taxes and court costs ... very cunning.
CAFCA also runs the Roger Awards for the Worst Transnational Corporation operating in NZ. The Roger award named after 'you know who' and is also represented by the pirate flag of the skull and cross bones called the unjolly Roger. The banks are always in the finals, especially the ANZ. This year the Award was won by Rio Tinto, with Sky City 2nd and 3rd being Chorus. All 3 were judged as interfering with the Government and receiving backhanded - handouts.
Note that in January 2014 in the Business Day column of the Christchurch Press it was stated that Facebook, Google and Apple made an estimated $750 million dollars in NZ in the last tax year but only paid less than $4 million in tax. That works out as a tax rate of 0.4% yet the NZ company tax is 28%, how did they get around this? NZ loses and CEO's and Shareholders of these transnationals win!
And they are not paying their taxes in the USA either, using offshore tax havens ...
In England the Tax Justice Network are looking at these deals - 'The price of offshore'.
Then there is the TPPA the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and the loss of NZ's sovereignty as well as a plethora of circumstances that will effect our country across the board. See
TPPA is also means to 'contain' China from the US perspective. As the World Bank has just in the last week stated that China will overtake the USA as the worlds largest economy this year, and this is the first time that this has happened since 1872 when Britain was surpassed by the USA. Previous predictions were thought to be 2019 for China to make this break-through.
Note, if PHARMAC here in NZ is abolished it will mean huge costs for drugs in this country. PHARMAC drugs here cost 1/3 of US costs and 1/2 Australian costs.
Then we have the Security Apparatus, that composes 5 of the main countries of the 5 Eyes Echelon Communication Network. USA, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ.
The NZ GCSB is increasingly doing the service as the subordinate and being even servile to the corporate agenda. In March 2013 the NZ Business Review stated that 'our spies principle mission used to be the defence of the realm, todays GCSB is about the protection of Corporate property and interests.'
GCSB and the Dot com saga, tells the NZ community that there is much murk behind the scenes ...
You can write to the director of the NZ SIS, Security Intelligence, Box 900 in Wellington and ask them if they have a file on you and ask for a copy of your file ...
Other points of interest in this information packed interview:
That the US now has access to all of NZ's tax records - the Law has been passed in Parliament ... passed in the last month or so .... who of us slept though this one?
That there is a direct telephone line from the US State Department to Treasury in Wellington.
That Wikileaks let out information that Americans wanted to allow NZ's spys to be connected directly to the Department of Homeland Security in the USA , however the NZ director of the SIS refused to approve it - so he was pushed out until someone more 'proactive' was employed.
Also, in those Wikileaks documents there was evidence that the US embassy was given all hours access by being given actual swipe cards to get into the NZ buildings of Foreign Affairs and NZ Defence HQ in Wellington so that they could come in day or night and have access to certain people and records and that sort of ... stuff.
Note that the NZ legal definition of a foreign company is anything more than 24.9 % yet our PM in saying we are only going to sell off 49% of Meridian and Mighty river power and Genesis, this is actually double the legal definition of a foreign company.
I encourage all listeners this morning to open up your web browser to and peruse this site, then tell your friends and neighbours that we are losing our country.
Murray has for 45 years, been at the forefront of educating the NZ public telling them that every week large slices of New Zealand's farms and city and suburban properties are being sold off to over seas entities. And much, much more.
In 2012, the Overseas Investment Office approved the sale of 43,080 hectares of freehold rural land and 8,554 hectares of leases and other interests in land to foreigners. About 10,000 hectares of the freehold land and almost all the leases and other interests in land were from one foreign investor to another. In the decade 2003 to 2012, the average was 133,942 hectares of freehold and 60,435 hectares of leases and other interests in land approved for sale.
Statistics on sales of land to overseas interests are poorly recorded and incomplete. Our best estimate is that in 2011 at least 8.7 percent of New Zealand farmland including forestry, or 1.3 million hectares, is foreign-owned or controlled and it could have reached 10 percent.
(Overseas Investment Commission and Overseas Investment Office. "Overseas Ownership Of Land: Far Greater Than The 1% The PM Claims", by Bill Rosenberg)
People's Rights Before Corporate Profit
Public Service Not Private Profit
An Independent Foreign Policy
No Unjust Secret Treaties
These topics include
* transnational corporations' tax avoidance
* corporate welfare
* asset sales - NZ Farmland
* spying abuses by the GCSB/NSA
* the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
* Five Eyes - Waihopai
* plus plenty more
Murray Will be speaking in Auckland
Friday May 9th at:
Pacific Media Centre
Sir Paul Reeves Building
Auckland University of Technology
4.00 p.m.
Local Contact: David Robie 021 112-2079
Full Itinerary here:
Websites of interest: _the_drivers_seat_v2v_transmitters_black_boxes_d